Osama Shawky

Founder / CEO of estaie.com

Board Member & Advisor at Crunch Dubai / Riyadh

Scalability Mentor at in5 and Misk


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Osama Shawky

Founder / CEO of estaie.com

Board Member & Advisor at Crunch Dubai / Riyadh

Scalability Mentor at in5 and Misk

Idea Validation

  • Created By: Osama Shawky
  • Date: 07/08/2018
  • Client: https://wes-english.com/
  • Categories: Link
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Comprehensive idea validation to ensure your concept is viable and market-ready. This involves:

  • Conducting feasibility studies
  • Extensive market research
  • Prototype testing


  • Validate your business idea
  • Reduce risks
  • Increase chances of success
  • Confidently move forward with a data-backed concept


  • Ideation sessions to brainstorm and refine your concept
  • Market research to assess demand and competition
  • Develop and test prototypes to gather feedback
  • Make necessary adjustments before finalizing the idea